7 Proven Tips for Mastering Brand Videos

A Professional Creating a Brand Video 1 1

Brand videos are more than just a way of sharing your brand’s story with the world; they’re also a powerful marketing tool. Oberlo suggests that over 54% of customers are keen to watch a brand video. It’s no wonder these videos have been the primary type of content marketers use worldwide.

But what exactly is the meaning of brand videos? To summarize, the term brand video refers to any marketing videos designed to promote a company as a whole, not just a specific product. They are used to establish or reintroduce the corporate image of a brand.

The first recorded brand video was developed in 1941 by a watch company called Boluva. It has a runtime of only ten seconds, but the footage clearly defines the company’s identity – an American watch brand. Today, most leading brands have been incorporating brand videos in their marketing strategy, which works with over 68% customer satisfaction rate.

So how do you create a compelling brand video that does all this and more? We’ve got seven proven tips to help you master the art of creating brand videos that convert. But first, let’s explore some of the perks of developing a brand video for your company. Let’s answer the question,

Why are Brand Videos Essential?

1. Brand Videos Attract Customer Loyalty

Brand videos help you to strengthen your relationship with your customers. In fact, nine over ten individuals would like to interact more with a company through brand videos. Through these videos, you can develop a brand image that people can relate to and feel a part of, enabling you to form a loyal customer base that will sooner become returning customers.

2. It Drives More Revenue and Company Sales

Did you know that 84% of consumers claim that seeing a brand video influenced them to purchase an item or service? It is because brand videos are highly engaging compared to most types of marketing content, such as images or text. A professionally-made brand video can communicate to potential customers that your business is credible, established, and offers high-quality products or services.

3. Brand Videos Promotes Awareness

Most content, especially marketing videos, promotes brand awareness, but only a few compare to brand videos’ effectiveness. In a survey, 93% of companies that shared brand videos on social media landed at least one new customer. Moreover, as brand videos are easily digestible and highly shareable, they can go viral.

4. It’s a Factor in Gaining Customer Trust

According to research by Adobe, around 70% of consumers are prepared to spend more for items from brands they trust. It means that if you want to increase your sales and revenue, it is imperative to attract and retain the trust of your customers. Fortunately, customer trust is one of the perks of generating brand videos, with 52% of marketers attesting to its efficiency.

Example of Brands Who Effectively used Brand Videos.

Wait! Before we proceed to unravel the tips for mastering brand videos. Let’s examine two of the top companies that effectively used them in their video marketing campaigns

Tesla Inc.

Soure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azUbCdcAeFM&t=6s

Tesla, an autonomous car manufacturer and sustainable energy company is the second fastest-growing brand globally. They have also successfully established a distinctive brand image—as an innovator. For instance, the brand video above demonstrates how the company’s employees work together to achieve the company’s mission of advancing the world’s shift to renewable energy.

Apple Inc.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66XwG1CLHuU

Next on our list is Apple, a leading tech company known for its innovative products, including the iPhone and Mac. In their brand video entitled “Every product carbon neutral by 2030,” Apple clearly depicted their social responsibility and environmental commitment. It is an excellent business strategy since it displays to the community and stakeholders that the company is dependable and compassionate.

Tips for Mastering Brand Videos

Tip 1. Visualize your viewers

A brand video’s purpose is mainly to boost customer loyalty, trust, and brand awareness. To do so, you must first identify your customer or target audience. It will let you determine the type of brand video that will be most effective in reaching them.

For example, if your business targets millennials, use a visually appealing and trendy format such as an animated video. If you’re aiming for professionals or workers, use a more serious tone, such as recruiting or training videos. A corporate social responsibility video might also be utilized by a brand that wants to be recognized by the community.

Tip 2. Present your brand

Good practice in creating brand videos is creatively presenting your brand elements. Your company logo, color, tagline, avatar, etc., should be well displayed within your video. These graphic elements enable viewers to remember your brand image and identity easily.

A quick reminder, visual aspects in the video might sometimes be distracting. Take extra caution with how and where you position these objects.

Tip 3. Create a Video Script

A script is the foundation of your brand video; you should write it to enable viewers to understand your company’s message. It serves as your guide for production, especially if you’re working with a team of people. Your video script should also be well-organized so that it’s easy for viewers to follow along with the video.

Tip 4. Incorporate your company’s tone and voice

Similar to graphic elements, non-visual elements within a video are vital to projecting good brand imagery. Your company’s voice and tone provide a human touch to your video.

Among the best ways to present non-visual aspects on video includes music and voice-over. The right music and appropriate voice-over influence how viewers perceive your brand. There are tons of music video makers to help you with this task.

Tip 5. Include a Call to Action

Although a brand video is not a promotional video, it should still include a call to action. Call to action, or CTA is an instruction for viewers on what they can do next after watching the video, such as contacting you or learning more about your brand. You can add it to your brand video’s outro to encourage viewers to interact more with your company.

Tip 6. Invest in professional production

Investing in your brand video production does not mean you have to break the bank. It simply means considering high-quality equipment and investing time in researching good videography practices.

For example, why not find a place with good natural lighting instead of spending money on expensive spotlights? Or, instead of investing in expensive camera equipment, why not use your phone or tablet for recording? Another way to cut costs is by using a free online video editor.

Tip 7. Share on social media.

Last on our list is to share your brand video on social media sites. It will ensure that your video will reach even more people and gain more views. You can share or repurpose it on trending formats such as Youtube shorts, Instagram Reels, or Facebook Stories.

Before posting and sharing it, you should remember that 90% of viewers watch videos on mobiles. You should optimize your video to be mobile-compatible by reducing the video’s length and size.


The best way to maximize your brand’s potential is by telling a story. And nothing’s a better storyteller than a video – a brand video. A brand video is any visual presentation that introduces your company. Whether recruitment, animated, or corporate video, it should be a message that will strike an everlasting impression on the viewer.

There are several benefits of developing a brand video, and some of them include the following;

  • Enhance Customer trust
  • Boosts Customer loyalty
  • Skyrocket Company Revenue
  • Promotes Brand Awareness

The seven proven tips above are just a few techniques to master in creating a brand video. There are other techniques, and many more strategies are still in development. The key to really mastering these types of videos is to stay consistent.

Keep in mind that what worked for others may not work for you. Integrate these tips above into your brand marketing strategy but monitor which tip fits your company’s needs. Be mindful of trends and research other practices that may help you master brand videos.